Breast Cancer 2024 Symposium Royal Society of Medicine, Westminster

The only way to discover your true strength is when being strong becomes your sole choice. Breast Cancer diagnosis is often hard and painful to go through and it’s surprisingly difficult to watch someone you love go through. The sense of loneliness and fear can be crippling, but what we need to remember is that you’re not alone in this battle. Our flagship initiative “Breast Cancer 2024 Symposium” aims to revamp humanitarian action by organising support around the measurable priorities of crisis-affected communities and opens calls to host the event in 2024 to improve survival and well-being around the world.

Why this will be interesting to me?

  • At this conference, you’ll get to hear the latest in breast cancer research and care from leading scientists, oncologists and academicians.
  • Secondary Prevention of Breast Cancer
  • Primary Prevention of Breast Cancer
  • Get to know the latest breast cancer screening technology which helps 5 years of survival for 0-1 stage breast cancer detection up to 99%.   
  • Topics range from the genetics of breast cancer and blood test-based biomarkers to health inequalities and “TruCheck and Grail tests”.




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