The Secrets To Building Successful Working Relationships 59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, Delaware 19720, USA, New Castle

There’s an old saying that we don’t have to like the people we work with, we just have to work with them. This may be true, but it’s also true that the more people like you, the greater your chances of success. This webinar gives you tools to raise the odds people will like you more, or at least, dislike you less.

Why Should You Attend

All animals, including humans, exhibit what researchers call “bonding behaviors.” This webinar will teach you to use five of these behaviors; behaviors that raise the odds people will trust you and feel comfortable in your presence.

Objectives of the Presentation

» Apply the principle of “mutual reciprocity” to build trust with peers, clients, and colleagues.
» Use the magic power of “Other Focus” to bring out the best in others.
» Connect with everyone by using bonding behaviors
» Overcome differences of opinion within your team to achieve win/win outcomes.
» Increase your ICSR (Internal Customer Satisfaction Rating).
» Adapt your working style to mesh with others.
» Identify and celebrate the strengths of others to achieve greater results.
» Increase team cohesiveness.

Areas Covered in the Session

» Choosing the right approach for different people
» Intentionally using mutual reciprocity
» Avoiding communication SNAFUs
» Disagreeing without becoming disagreeable
» Admitting when you are wrong and how to recover
» Bonding behaviors that will draw others to you
» Picking the right approach to bring out the best in others

Who Will Benefit
» Anyone who works with difficult people and wishes to improve their relationships with them
» COO’s
» CFO’s
» VP of Human Resources
» Human Resource Professionals
» Chief Learning Officer
» Directors
» Project Managers
» Operation Managers and Supervisors
» Team Leaders
» Staff Managers and Supervisors
To Register (or) for more details please click on the below link:>
Tel: (989)341-8773

06 Sep - 12 Sep 2023, 1:00 pm - 10:00 am

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