Airspace Integration Congress (AI) IFEMA Madrid, Madrid

Airspace Integration Congress (AI) is one of the three events during the Airspace Integration Week Madrid – the place to be if you are interested in airspace management including ATM, UTM, and STM, in AAM and UAS, civil-military cooperation, and space activities.
Airspace Integration Congress is a worldwide gathering of stakeholders involved in all aspects of airspace integration. Featuring a 14,000 square meter exposition at IFEMA with exhibits and six theatres dedicated to programming on airspace management and integration, advanced air mobility, unmanned aircraft systems, innovation, civil-military cooperation, and counter-UAS operations. Programming then transitions to Cuatro Vientos Airport for the latter part of the week focusing on the practical usage in current airspace operations.

Through programming and exhibits, Airspace Integration (AI) Congress and Live Demonstration will highlight:

Advanced Air Mobility/UAS/Drones – AAM/ UAS/drones continue to expand in the Airspace at a dramatic pace. Successfully managing their integration into the airspace is critical for the safety and continued growth of this new industry sector. Airspace Integration Congress will feature AAM and UAS industry exhibitors, and 2.5 days of programming addressing integration issues in its own dedicated theater.

Airspace Integration Congress is also, co-locating with Expodronica, Spain’s premier drone/AAM event, for the third year in a row. Expodronica will be a prominent participant in this sector’s programming at IFEMA. On September 27th and 28th, Airspace Integration will move to Cuatro Vientos Airport, the venue for Expodronica’s Air Show, for the unique opportunity to view drone and AAM demonstrations in tandem with active flight operations at the airport. On-site programming and displays at the airport will focus on UAM/UAS/Drones and the demonstrations. All Airspace Integration registrants are invited to participate at no cost.

Civil-Military Cooperation – ATCA is working directly with the European Defense Agency and NATO’s Armament and Aerospace Capability Directorate on a series of sessions addressing current issues. The war in Ukraine has highlighted challenges and issues facing the European airspace and our focus on how civilians and military can better integrate to improve outcomes and safety, are of vital importance and will be discussed at Airspace Integration Congress.

Commercial Space – The race for the first satellite to successfully launch from Western Europe by a commercial organization is on for 2023 with multiple contenders vying for the title. Additionally, Europe is seeing a surge in new spaceports setting the stage for dramatic expansion launch activities in Europe. Hear from industry leaders on what the future holds and efforts to manage commercial space’s integration into Europe’s airspace. AI attendees will be able to learn more in our theatre dedicated to commercial space integration.

Air Traffic Management – The foundation of our current airspace management system. Hear from regulators and industry on the challenges faced by this traditional sector and issues being addressed to advance Airspace Integration, and from Exhibitors on the tools, products, and services available supporting integration efforts.

25 Sep - 27 Sep 2023, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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