6th CKD Drug Development Summit 2024 Hilton Boston Back Bay, Boston
Advance More Personalized Therapies for Rare and Common Kidney Diseases
The surge of clinical breakthroughs in SGLT2s, GLP-1s and ERAs for CKD, significant advancements to strengthen proteinuria and GFR slope as surrogates for long-term outcomes, and a wave of promising new targets in development, has truly lit the fuse on decades of innovative kidney research.
Bringing together 200+ biopharma stakeholders, from scientific research to clinical development and outcomes, across three days of concentrated discussion, the 6th CKD Drug Development Summit is the definitive forum for KOLs, industry experts, and regulators to concentrate kidney innovation onto the next generation of drug development.
From uncovering the genetic architecture of specific CKD subgroups and revolutionizing translatable models of renal pathophysiology, to breaking new ground in CKD trial design and implementing new therapies into the treatment paradigm, join Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, the FDA, Regeneron, Novartis and more to collaborate and drive progress of precision medicine and reinvent the landscape of rare and common kidney disease treatments.

Drug Developer - Conference Only: USD 2999.00, Drug Developer - Conference + Pre-Conference Seminar Day: USD 4946.00, Drug Developer - Conference + Pre-Conference Workshop Day: USD 4946.00, Vendor - Conference Only: USD 3699.00, Vendor - Conference + Pre-Conference Seminar Day: USD 5846.00, Vendor - Conference + Pre-Conference Workshop Day: USD 5846.00