Not long after the independence of the Republic of Indonesia (1945), several national figures who were also Indonesian Christian leaders were moved and felt the need to establish the Council of Churches in Indonesia (DGI). This hope was only realized on May 25, 1950. At the beginning of its activities, this institution also paid considerable attention to educational issues because at that time the Indonesian people really needed human resources to fill employment opportunities in various aspects of life. This need is urgent.

The idea of wanting the Indonesian Christian community to participate in the world of education continues to grow in the discussions taking place at this institution. Even thought also about the need to establish a ” Universiteit”. Based on that, DGI formed a commission led by Prof. Dr. IP Simanjuntak, MA. This commission is in charge of making a feasibility study to establish a university whose results are reported to DGI. As a follow-up, DGI issued a resolution regarding Christian Universiteit on June 30, 1953. The resolution signed by Ds. WJ Rumambi, as General Secretary of DGI, in the DGI Complete Session from 20-30 June 1953 proposed to all churches and Christian communities in Indonesia to fully assist in the establishment of the Christian Universiteit, both morally and materially.


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