Compliance with ACH Federal Government Reclamations, Misdirected Payments and DNE’s (Death Notification Entries) Online, Live
Processing ACH Reclamations from the Federal Government can be challenging! In April 2020 there were updates to 31 CFR Part 210, which meant an update to the Green Book as well. Discussion on the process for deceased account holders and your responsibilities to the Federal Government if they are receiving federal government benefit payments.
The NACHA Operating Rules still apply when processing these payments but the Green Book outlines exceptions when handling mis-directed payments, DNEs (Death Notification Entries) and Federal Government Reclamations. Details on handling Commercial Reclamations will be included, plus an outline of the difference between the two and your liability as an RDFI (Receiving Depositary Financial Institution).
In this 90-minute session you will hear all the details about how processing Federal Government payments differ from the NACHA Operating Rules. You will learn what the Green Book is and how this valuable on-line tool will help you with processing DNE’s and Government Reclamations. Commercial Reclamations differ from Federal Government Reclamations; the speaker will cover the difference between the two. Examples used throughout the session will apply the rules discusses to help bring the details to life.
Provide process for handling a Death Notification Entry (DNE)
List elements to be included when responding to a Fed Gov’t Reclamation
Describe difference between Return Reason Codes R14 & R15 when returning benefit payments
Identify how to handle survivor’s issues when handling government reclamations
Define liability differences with Fed Government vs. Commercial Reclamations
The Federal Government utilizes the ACH Network for their payments, they follow the Nacha Operating Rules with a few exceptions. Federal Government Reclamations and handling Death Notification (DNE) Entries can be confusing – and what to do with “mis-directed payments” can also be a challenge.
Recent (2020) UPDATES to 31 CFR Part 210 and the Green Book
Detailed processes on handling Death Notification Entries (DNE’s)
Timeframes to return ACH Entries for deceased accountholders
Description of Return Reason Codes used when returning benefit payments for deceased account holders
How to handle and process Federal Government Reclamations
Timeframes for responding to Government Reclamations
Difference between handling Commercial Reclamations and Federal Government Reclamations
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